Andy Malt

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Now Playing @6Music

On Friday I appeared on Tom Robinson's new 6Music show, Now Playing @6Music, which was exciting. I spoke a little about CMU and what we do and then played three songs that we love. Choosing three tracks to play was pretty agonising, but I'm pretty pleased with what I eventually chose.

I played clips of Cramm by Three Trapped Tigers, whose brilliant debut album is out next week, and Bridges by Fallulah, in honour of my trip to SPOT Festival in her home country Denmark, where I'm writing this from now. I also played Push It Away by Seerauber Jenny in full, which is a track I first heard as a demo years ago, before it was spruced up by Mint Royale's Neil Claxton.

You can hear me jabbering on via the iPlayer until 3rd June, here. You'll find me an hour and 23 minutes in, but I'd recommend listening to the whole show; it was a Nick Cave special and the whole playlist is excellent.

The show aims to merge different digital media, and amongst various ongoing channels is an excellent blog, which I was also asked to contribute to. For that, I selected what I think are the three music industry news stories people on the street need to know about (or at least might be interested in). You can read that here.